Wednesday, August 25, 2010

After a Break

The thing is, I really meant I was done when I said I was done. But, in retrospect, perhaps I was just burned out and needed a break.

Yet I missed writing this blog.

So I'm back - however, it's "limited back." Although I missed writing this blog, and felt pulled to return to it, my time for it is scarce still. Actually, probably scarcer than before. So I'm setting low expectations for myself: I might write only a couple of times per month, and if I exceed expectations, then I can celebrate. If not, I won't beat myself up about it.

I think of my departure from and return to this blog as using a break to discover what matters. Just like white space on a page, recesses in one's life serve a valuable purpose: to provide a rest, to organize ideas, and to direct attention.

So here I am.

I don't know where you are, or if you're still with me after a long separation. But if you are, I hope to hear from you as I share my thoughts, my joys, my struggles with you in the blogosphere.

More to come...