Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Yesterday, as promised, I was not a fire hog. Nope, we kept busy all day. The kids had their list and I had mine.

We didn't overdo it - I mean, it is Christmas break, after all! It's just that we weren't lazy.

I restarted P90X, and all my muscles are feeling it today! But what a wonderful feeling that is - to be achy and worn out from activity. Proving to yourself you're a living human being and that you're using all the parts you've got. Since being able to resume physical activity in July, I've been playing tennis 3 times a week, and walking regularly, but I was missing the strength training. And running.

Running. Yes, I really missed that. I'm not the fastest in these here parts; nor do I go the farthest distance (my longest achievement is a half-marathon), but it wasn't until running was missing from my life that I realized how much I want to get it back.

I do have to be careful, though. With 2 hip fractures in recent history, I am at risk for for more. The doctor and I have discussed this. I can definitely run again, but if I fracture my hip one more time, we're skipping the whole use-crutches-to-keep-the-weight-off-and-wait-till-it-heals approach and going straight for surgery. Pins may be the only way I can hold myself together.

Yesterday, it was time - time to resume running. My friend and I have a plan to gradually work up to greater distances. Key word: gradually. For now, we do 3 minutes of walking to 1 minute of running. But we'll work up to a majority of running, with scheduled walk breaks. Despite our slow and cautious start, I haven't felt this physically exhilarated in a long time! The intermittent speed felt great. My muscles, bones, joints, and breathing felt right. I was full of energy and enthusiasm and didn't want it to end.

I may never run farther than a half-marathon, despite having the more ambitious full marathon on my bucket list. Perhaps sticking to the 10k distance is the more prudent choice. Whatever my body tells me my limit is, I'll have to accept.

But for now, I'll take my one minute at a time, with a smile on my face and a lightness in my step.

Monday, December 27, 2010


Has it really been since November 6 that I've written an entry in this blog?

Didn't mean to let so much time pass.

I guess I really did reach my limit back in the fall. As I've continued to add challenges and occupations to my life - all good things! - other things have unintentionally fallen by the wayside. Like this blog, evidently.

But yesterday, I spent the day sprawled on the family room floor, in front of a nice warm fire, just doing nothing. NOTHING. That's something new. And that's all I was capable of.

Usually I feel guilty or restless if I just sit for a while in the middle of the day. Usually I feel more satisfied when I'm tackling that To Do list.

But some days, the best way to move forward is to stop and stay still. And it was glorious! I spent a couple hours in late morning sledding with the family - kids and adults alike - over at our new property. Afterward, we made lunch of leftovers (nice and easy), and then I promptly planted myself in front of the fireplace. Took a nap, read some of my new book, played around with my new laptop, chit-chatted with the kids as they passed through the room. But all from that spot. I did get up to eat the scrumptious beef stew my husband made - and then I promptly returned to my warm and cozy spot.

Today, of course, I'm back to The List. (I've even created one for the kids, and they're not even out of bed yet.) Rejuvenated from my lazy day yesterday, my list looks to me more like an Accomplishments List than a Chores List. After all, I wouldn't be able to handle two days of nothingness. I'm ready to tackle the revisions to the house plan, some tasks for my new business, some household organizational projects, a fresh start to P90X (bursitis after 2 weeks the last time I started it - but that's another story), and Day 1 of my new running plan with my friend. Maybe we'll fit some more sledding in there, too. Or a movie tonight. It all sounds good to me today!

Whether you're on break from work or school during this week between Christmas and New Year's, or back to the office after a holiday spent with family, I hope your day is off to a great start, too!