Monday, July 13, 2009


A little more than a year ago, I took up playing tennis.

During that time, I've had countless lessons, in the form of clinics and private sessions with a pro. I've certainly improved much since the first time I picked up a racquet. In fact, I'm looking forward to league play starting in the fall.

But one thing has consistently puzzled me: Whenever I make a mistake - especially when playing doubles - I can't help but yell out "Sorry!"

And I'm not the only one... The other women do it, too.

Funny thing is, when my partner makes a mistake, I don't even consider that she should apologize for it. I mean, we ALL make mistakes! That's part of learning and, in fact, part of any game. Apologies are unnecessary.

Yet we keep apologizing to one another.

I never hear men apologize to their partners if they miss a ball or lob it to the next planet.
Just the women.

So I'm going to be more like a man: No more apologies for garden-variety errors!

Now, if I whack my partner with my racquet, that's a different story...

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