Saturday, July 19, 2008


Do you ever go to the grocery store and see an older couple shopping together? Among all the moms shopping with their children, and even the singles picking up just a few items, are scattered couples of retirement-plus age. Often, they shop in silence, except for the occasional bickering over whether such-and-such is really necessary, or whether the price is too high for that item, or whether the store brand is just as good as the name brand.

When I see those couples, I always wonder why they shop together. Not that I don't think it's sweet in a way, but it's just not how my husband and I do things. We generally operate under a division-of-labor concept. With occasional exceptions, we just enjoy doing our own things. And for chores, it's more efficient this way.

We mixed things up a bit today, when my husband and I started seeing a personal trainer together. I loved it! It was so fun to work out together--something we've never done as a couple. Now, I still plan to go to the gym or play tennis either alone or with my girlfriends most of the week, and he'll do the same. But once a week, my husband and I have a standing appointment to work out together.

After twelve years of marriage and three children, I think I could get used to hanging out with my husband. Maybe you'll even see us in the grocery store together.

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