Tuesday, July 22, 2008


As the thunder boomed overhead and the lightning seared the sky, the throbbing of the raindrops pelting the ground nearby advanced upon us. I woke and I knew she was frightened.

She never called out, but when I found her, she was huddled in a fetal position, clutching her pillow, a look of combined determination and fear on her face.

That look on her face justified why I went. As the look changed to relief when she saw me, neither of us said a word. I scooped her up in my arms and brought her to our bed. She found her place between her two protectors.

We lay together in a crowded state, her small but gangly body comfortably squeezed between us, her arm around my neck, as her breathing steadied. Although--or maybe because--we eschewed the family bed, these rare scenes are precious.

Most days, I help them on their journey to independence. But sometimes, all they need is protection from the storm.

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