Monday, April 6, 2009

Life, Resumed

It's been seven long months of troubleshooting, recovery, and waiting.

First the stress fracture in my hip. Nearly 10 weeks on crutches, then the resumption of activities. But not quite; something still didn't feel right. So two months of troubleshooting, then surgery and recovery.

Yes, it's been a frustrating seven months.

It's like watching a video feed on a slow computer, or a movie from a scratched disc. The images seem to start and stop, like someone's playing around with the Pause and Play buttons. You can technically watch the video this way, but it's not very satisfying.

But life is full of its starts and stops, isn't it? I accept this; I'm just too impatient to like it.

Today I met with my doctor for what I really, really hope is the very last time. I'm ready to put the last seven months behind me, and finally move on. Fortunately, he agreed: he gave me medical clearance to resume any and all activities.

So now I am resuming my former active life. No more Pause for me... it's time to Play!

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