Thursday, June 18, 2009


Since beginning this blog last summer, I've loved writing for it. For most of the months I've had this blog, I've averaged 2.5-3 entries per week. That's a pace I enjoy.

For some weeks during this time, however, I've been struck by a muteness of a sort. Life moves around me, I share experiences with others, but I can't find the means to communicate. That's when I've had "writer's block." It feels almost like torture for me, and causes much anxiety. But it passes.

For the last month or more, it may appear as though I'm once again experiencing writer's block, as I've written very little. However, that's not the case this time. I'm filled to brim with experiences and opinions to express. What's lacking is dedicated time. This mom has simply been unable to find an hour or more of quiet, uninterrupted time in which to compose her thoughts. So they remain on little scraps of paper tucked in my "writing" drawer.

But I miss writing. Not only for this blog, but for other purposes.

So this is simply a hiatus. I will return to this blog! Sooner rather than later.

I appreciate all those who check this site and follow me. I love receiving your comments and plan to provide content for them very soon.

Until then, enjoy your summer!

1 comment:

Joe said...

When you can't write, just post a picture or two. Not every post has to be some great insight into life. I just like seeing what you guys are up to!