Thursday, June 25, 2009

Last On, First Off

If you have read my blog during the past year, you may recall that I've created a Top 10 -- my Bucket List -- of things I'd like to accomplish before I die. (Well, actually, I'm up to 11. I added one more in January before I'd had a chance to cross off any of the other 10.)

Of course, this list is dynamic. I'll always have roughly 10 items on my list, though those specific items will change as I accomplish some and set my sights on others. I mean, I'm only 39 and I plan to be here for many more decades. What if I finish them all by age 45, but don't add any more? Then what? Just sit and wait to die? Not likely!)

Some of the items on my list will take years to accomplish, as they require very specific training, preparation, and particular circumstances to achieve. Others are rather simple, but are important to me. For some, such as #11, it's not a matter of training or preparation. For that one, it's simply mind over matter.

What is #11, you ask? It's "wear a bikini -- in public."

It seems like a silly, frivolous goal. But mentally, it's a biggie.

Though I've worn bikinis occasionally in the past, I haven't in recent years. But it's not so much about body as it is about confidence. And my natural tendency is to be stingy about my self-confidence. I easily see all my imperfections. I've had to train myself to appreciate my own skills and accomplishments. And to allow myself to be a work in progress. I grant this courtesy to my friends and family, but I tend to withhold it from myself.

So the accomplishment of #11 really is about saying to myself and the world: "Here I am -- the pleasing, the not-so-pleasing, the whole package. I'm not hiding anything (OK, well, literally I am hiding a little with the bikini, but metaphorically I'm lettin' it all hang out!). And it's OK if I'm not perfect. I accept myself for who I am, and I'm taking a risk that you will, too."

So there you go. I did it. I'm crossing off #11. Betcha I cross off two more by September... Stay tuned!

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