Friday, July 10, 2009

The Absolutes of Parenting

Yes, the kids are getting older. They're gaining independence, becoming more self-reliant. These are wonderful developments in the lives of children.

Yet, as a parent, these developments can be bittersweet. What happened to my babies who needed me?

Never fear! In my extensive experience of raising three children - a cumulative 31 years - I've found that there are three occasions when the kids will always need me. Immediately. Urgently. And without exception.

1. As soon as I step into the shower
2. When the phone rings - for me
3. During hanky-panky with hubby {wink-wink}

There you have it. The irrevocable, absolute law governing the necessity of parents.


Joe said...

LOL! Ok, I have absolutely zero experience in raising kids. But I set up a new rule with Caden. Before he knocks on the bathroom door, he has to ask himself two questions: "Is something on fire?" and "Do I think I'm going to throw-up?" If both answers are 'no', then he has to wait until the person comes out first.

Kim said...

Ha ha - good litmus test!