Monday, August 27, 2012

Back at It

This is August 2012. My last post was in December 2010 - twenty months ago.

We had so many changes and activities in our lives that I could barely keep up, and this blog was a casualty. But I needed to come back.

{In the meantime, I fear my writing skills have deteriorated from disuse, so bear with me as I work out the kinks.}
Quick update on the last 20 months:
  • We tore down a house, we built a new one, we moved in.
  • I opened a boutique, became a working mom, then grieved when I closed its doors.
  • My kids continued to grow and change, with my son surpassing me in height, and the girls closing in fast. I'm now the mom of a high-schooler and two middle-schoolers.
  • We put our "old" house on the market. End of story. Wish I could say it sold.
  • We began fixing up our new house after it was struck by lightning just six weeks after we moved in. The lightning not only zapped a lot of our electrical items, but it also started a fire, burned a hole in a gas pipe (yes, we're thankful for the fluke that caused the house NOT to explode), and also burned a hole in a water line, causing water damage. Most items have been repaired or replaced, but we're still waiting on a few. {Sigh} But all that really matters is that no people or animals were hurt...
  • I put many enjoyable endeavors on hold (writing, lunches with friends, tennis & working out) while doing all of the above, and felt their absence profoundly.
Thankfully, we're all still here, healthy, and as one family, despite all the upheaval of the last two years. We appreciate all that we have - home, family, friends - and the rest is just "life experience."

One of the things I missed when I was too busy to think straight was writing. I may not be disciplined enough to write every day. But when I do, it's enjoyable for me and it allows me to share and think through the events in my life. Like my friends, I miss writing when it's not present in my life.

So here I am, back at it. Feeling a little rusty, but eager. Those of you who were previous followers of my blog will notice that I've changed the name. Since I'm making so many fresh starts during this phase of my life, it made sense to change the name of my blog, too.

I wanted a name that is a little more whimsical, and that reflects how life is not a linear path. I do appreciate life's zigs and zags (though not always mid-zig!) and how they keep life interesting and push me to learn new things every day.

So, thanks for finding Zigzaggy! This time, I won't stay away so long. But right now I'm going to enjoy a long-overdue lunch with a friend...

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