Thursday, August 30, 2012


I'm taking a big step today: Yes, I'm posting my blog on my Facebook timeline!

My blog has always been public. But there's a difference between quietly putting it out there and Telling Everyone
About It

This is a big step for me because, although I like writing and do it best when visualizing an audience (rather than keeping it to myself, as in a journal), knowing that others actually read it kind of makes me nervous: Will I offend someone? {My foot often makes its way into my mouth - never intentionally offensive - I just forget to think before I speak...} Will I spot a typo after I click "Publish"? Could I have phrased that sentence better? Am I revealing too much about myself? Too little? Will people think my musings on life and my little stories are trivial? {Some days, yes, my posts may be about mundane events in my midwestern suburban life. I'll try to make them humorous, at least. But other days, I promise I'll dig deeper!}

I've mentioned that I like to visualize you, my audience. Not in a stalker/creepy kind of way. In a greeting-an-old-friend kind of way. Don't worry - you're always clothed. And taking a break from your own mundane tasks. And paying rapt attention to every word I've written! So for those of you who also like to visualize, here's a picture of my spot.

I'm a little camera-shy, so there's no "me" in this
picture. You'll have to use your imagination.
Oh, and while you're imagining stuff, feel free
to offer decorating suggestions. The walls and
windows of my new office are still bare!
Or I might write from here. Turns out, my favorite
comfy chair is also Bentley's favorite comfy chair.
(And the only one he's allowed on anyway.)
So I usually have to fight him for it...

OK, I'm stalling.

Gulp! Here goes...

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