Sunday, September 7, 2008

Last Fling

Despite the thoughts that can consume my mind, sometimes it's important to just be "in the now." This weekend, I was.

We visited my sister-in-law and her significant other at their campsite in Indiana, where they spend most summer weekends.

The grown-ups felt it was a bit chilly for lake swimming (though the weather was otherwise perfect: 70 degrees and sunny), but the kids were undaunted. My son's lips were literally a shade of blue-gray after he emerged from his tubing dump in the lake, but he went back for more!

This weekend represented some probable lasts: last time in swimsuits, last time on a speedboat, last time sitting by a campfire. At least, for this summer.

Everyone seemed to truly enjoy the moments spent together as an extended family. Food, family, fun: What more could anyone want?

I'm so thankful we could experience one last fling before hunkering down for cool autumn nights and the wintry chill that will follow.

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