Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Painting his walls black was not exactly my idea, but he was adamant. I figured, while we're at it, let's add green (technically, "Limeade"). It's just paint. It can always be changed in the future.

My son's room turned out great! Despite the psychedelic nature of it. And I'm a little bit cool in his eyes for allowing this color combo.

But I'm also a bit more of a klutz in his eyes. You see, I spilled the bucket of black paint. On his white carpet. In the middle of the room.

It was one of those time-moving-in-slow-motion moments as we watched the bucket topple and the paint puddle on the carpet. Then we were both shouting at the same time:

"Mom! Do something! You got a big puddle of paint on my carpet!"
"Hurry! Hand me the paper towels and then go find some old towels!"

I sopped up the paint as best as I could, then covered it with the new shag rug. Voila! Problem solved.

When I showed my husband my snafu later that night, he just said, "Well, now you need to spill some more in various spots around the room."

As my son and I looked at him quizzically, he explained: "Then you'll have a cow rug!"

1 comment:

Joe said...

Bwaaahahahaha! A cow rug! I almost spewed my coffee this morning!