Thursday, September 4, 2008

Top Ten

My last post led me to think of the things I want to do before I die.

Or maybe I was inspired by Randy Pausch (The Last Lecture), or The Bucket List, or Dave Freeman (One Hundred Things To Do Before You Die).

Anyway, here's a shot at my ten things, in no particular order. Some are quite involved. Some are not very specific. I reserve the right to amend whenever I feel like it :)

1. Visit all 6 inhabitable continents (we'll count Antarctica as a bonus continent).

2. Visit all 50 states in the U.S.

3. Climb a mountain.

4. Run a marathon.

5. Write a book (that is actually published!).

6. Learn to fly an airplane.

7. Play in a tennis match and (here's the kicker:) actually keep score, by myself, without having to stop and think! (I know -- doesn't seem like this should be so hard. But I must have a mental block about scoring tennis. I always have to stop and figure it out.)

8. Cook a Thanksgiving turkey dinner without help from my mother or mother-in-law. (OK, I don't really want to achieve this so badly; I just think I should.)

9. Create something, from scratch, with my hands. (A quilt? A needlepoint creation?)

10. Dance sometime in public the way I dance when I'm at home -- unselfconsciously!

What's on your list?

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