Thursday, January 21, 2010

Google Dx

Well, I've done it again: I've given myself an overuse injury.

This time, my hip's okay. But my shoulder isn't.

I am 99% sure it's tendonitis, or "tennis shoulder."

How do I know this? I admit I haven't seen the doctor (yet). Unless you count Dr Google. I mean, c'mon... the entries for tendonitis completely describe my symptoms. And with playing tennis 3-4 days a week, it just seems obvious.

Once I got my Google diagnosis (without having to wait for an appointment, share a waiting room with germy people, or pay a copay, I might add), I began following the recommendations:

1. Refrain from the repetitive activity that causes the pain {I hate to do it, but no tennis for this week and maybe next, and no upper-body strength training}

2. Take anti-inflammatory medication {I'm popping some ibuprofen as I write}

3. Apply ice to the shoulder several times a day {Gives me a chance to sit and read a book anyway}

Well, there were some other recommendations, such as therapy. I don't know if this mild case of alleged tendonitis really warrants therapy. So I'm skipping that part for now.

Hmm... not so fast there, Kimmy. Perhaps some therapy is in order. Retail therapy. Now that I've got some free time, I hear the call of shoes. On second thought, yes, I really think some therapy would do me good.

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