Sunday, January 17, 2010

True Nature

I often enjoy one glass of wine or beer with dinner.

And typically that one drink is my limit. Except that I'll have a second if we're out with friends for a weekend night out. Why do I self-impose this limit? Mainly because I hate that spinny feeling when I lie down afterward.

But sometimes I let myself go. And I've noticed that, on those occasions, I get chatty.
Really chatty.

On Friday night, friends of ours hosted a wine pairing dinner at their home. Each of the five courses featured a different wine specifically chosen to go with that course. And we started with a before-dinner champagne toast. The evening was spectacular - the conversation lively, the meal and wine selections comparable to any five-star restaurant.

Six glasses of wine for a one- to two-drink girl was definitely over the top.
{Oooh - but so very good!}

So yesterday I was reflecting on my chatty-Cathy alter ego from the night before.
{If you haven't guessed yet, I'm prone to self-analyzing...} Some people would say that a person's conversation or behavior when under the influence of alcohol reflects their true personality because they are uninhibited. However, others might argue that since the alternative behavior is displayed only when that foreign substance is consumed in large quantities, it reflects an aberrant personality.

So, which is it? Is my "true" personality one of excessive chattiness that I simply suppress most of the time? Or is my "true" personality just average chattiness (conversational) because that is the way I behave without the influence of alternate substances?

Hmmm... Maybe I need to do some more field research ;)


Anonymous said...

hmmmmmm, maybe you just have a chatting problem...?

Kim said...

Aha - that's it! Of course, just an occasional one...