Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A Few of My Favorite Things

I have many lovely things in my life.

What may surprise some people is that, if I had to do without most of these objects, I would not feel a great void.

Some objects that bring me the most pleasure are simple, inexpensive, imperfect. Like the small pottery vase with the broken handle that belonged to my grandfather. The glass bud vase that was my grandmother's. Our photos, of course.

And this cup and saucer set - one of three that I found for just a few dollars in an antiques store several years ago. I could turn them over to see who made them, but I really don't care. Simply, I was drawn to them; I just couldn't pass them by.

I was so enamored with my acquisitions that I came home, put them in the cupboard, and resolved to use them only for special occasions.

Every morning for a year, as my coffee brewed, I opened the cupboard, admired the antique cups and saucers, and reached around for the plain ones.

Silly me.

How many "special occasions" exist at 6:00 a.m. in the morning?

So one morning, contentedly alone in space and time while the rest of the family slept, I asked myself: "What am I really waiting for? I'm wasting time waiting for the special occasion to arrive, when I can make today special." And I reached for one of the antique sets.

As I have done every morning since.

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