Saturday, February 20, 2010

It'll Be Okay

The other night I served on a discussion panel for parents of children who are transitioning from a school for the deaf to a typical school.

This transition is what they've been waiting for, yet for those parents, every step they take is fraught with indecision and uncertainty. I know, because I wore their shoes five years ago.

They're wondering: Where should I enroll my child - our local public school or a private school? Should we hold him back or enroll her at grade level? Will his teachers know how to accommodate him in the classroom? Will he even need accommodations? Will the typical children understand her hearing loss, or make fun of her? Will he make friends? How should I orient the teacher to my child's hearing impairment and associated devices? Will she need help academically? Have I taught him adequate self-adequacy skills? And dozens more questions...

These are valid questions. They do require thoughtful consideration. But what I tell the parents is this: Next fall, your child's first day of school will come and go. He will be fine. You will be fine. She will make friends, learn, and thrive. Do your research, learn from others, but above all trust your intuition. You'll know what to do.

Although my purpose there - along with the others on the panel - is to offer help, what these parents may not realize is how helpful they are to me. They help me appreciate where my family is now by reminding me from where we've come.

The anxiety seen on their faces and heard in their questions is simply a mirror of anxieties I have felt. Remembering those moments of my own, and how I overcame them, is important for me as I help my children navigate their next challenges. And there are always next challenges.

So thank you, dear parents, for reminding me: No matter what my fears are today, we'll get through it together. It'll be okay.

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