Saturday, February 27, 2010

What Was I Afraid Of?

I should have known it wouldn't be as bad as I'd feared.

Fearing miscommunication, for three weeks I put off a task that I felt ill-equipped to perform.

But I could put if off no longer. So having never learned French - I took Spanish in high school - I took out my English-to-French phrase book, picked up the phone, and punched in the number.

The woman who answered, in French of course, pleasantly replied "Yes" to my hacked "
Parlez-vous anglais?" I was relieved! We were able to have a very detailed conversation - thanks to her English proficiency, of course, and not any speed-thumbing skills of my own.

As I hung up the phone, I couldn't help but smile at the timing. Didn't I just write about overcoming fears? That the dreaded moment would come and go - with much less drama than anticipated - and life would move on?

I guess I just needed a little reminder that, really, I had nothing to fear but fear itself.

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