Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Run Its Course

When I first started this blog, it served these purposes for me:

(1) It was a vehicle for me to express my thoughts, in a format that required me to edit & polish a little more than I would a private journal
(2) It allowed me to find and develop my writing voice
(3) It forced me to step out of my comfort zone by opening my life to others - to strangers
(4) It was fun!

After nearly two years of this truly enjoyable endeavor, I'm ready to find a new outlet. In fact, I've already found it. Recently, my creative and intellectual reserves have been focused on starting a business that I plan to open in several months. Given the time requirements for my new business, I need to pare down my other pursuits. Except for my marriage, my family, and my home - which all ground me and provide the love and comfort I need to feel confident in pursuing my own interests - my other endeavors tend to run a rather short course.

In other words, when things get comfortable, I seek a new challenge.

Maybe I get bored with the status quo? Maybe I crave a little chaos in my life? I believe I need stability at my core, yet novelty in the way I express myself.

So I'm going to open this store in the fall, and with it will come a huge transition for our family, some chaos too, unpredictability, and excitement. In three years, when the store has jumped some hurdles and it's running predictably, I'll probably need a new excitement: so maybe I'll open a second, even a third location. Maybe I'll branch off into another niche, with an entirely new market. Maybe I'll write a book about my experiences. Something will come to me then. But for now, I just know that this is what I need to do.

So this will be my second-to-last posting. Thank you for reading and for being interested in the life of this stay-at-home mom of three in Cincinnati. Knowing that you're out there, reading my words, following along as I play this game of life, has meant more to me than you'll know.

And yes, I said second-to-last. I know some of you are curious about my new business, and I'd love to share the details with everyone! When the time is right, I will make one final post to spill the beans.

Thank you again for taking such a kind interest in this blog. I wish you all well as you continue in your own Game of Life!

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