Monday, May 3, 2010

My Stupid Mouth

I can sympathize with John Mayer in "My Stupid Mouth": Sometimes I say the wrong thing at the wrong time or to the wrong person, resulting in my own humiliation as I try to explain that, no, that's not what I meant.

It's entirely unintentional. I'm not the type to "stir the pot" just to get people riled up. Some people think that's exhilarating, but it makes me anxious. I would never, ever, say purposefully something catty or unkind or misleading to hurt someone or cause chaos. And I generally don't like to draw attention to myself; negative attention would be a big no-no for me. So I certainly do not try to make these verbal faux pas. It's just that sometimes I forget to actually think before I speak.

At least twice in the last week I've stuck my foot in my mouth. Harmless stuff, all things considered, but oh-so-annoying. In one instance, a simple re-read of my e-mail message would have caught the mistake. Doh! {slaps forehead}

As I've mentioned in previous posts, through the years I have learned to laugh at myself. And I will. After I remove my foot from my mouth and use it to kick myself.

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