Sunday, December 7, 2008

Ripple Effect

One nice thing about having laryngitis is the ripple effect it causes: My kids unconsciously match the volume of their voices to mine. So we have a generally quieter household all around!

The intense knives-in-the-throat feeling I felt yesterday, as {what I assume is} a virus in my throat was violently working its cruel wonders on me, has greatly subsided to a tolerable sore throat today. My throbbing sinuses are merely achy now. As my friends witnessed the rapid escalation of symptoms last night, I received numerous diagnoses by good-intentioned "Dr. Mom" friends. Their consensus was that I have strep throat and should get to Urgent Care ASAP today for an antibiotic.

But I don't think I will. I survived the night. The symptoms are better, and I'm not prone to strep. The doctors can't help me with a virus.

So I'll loaf around the house today, whispering to my kids. I'll use the loud/raspy whisper, when necessary, to break up any fights.

But mainly I'll enjoy the quiet day. Because when Mom speaks softly, the kids do, too.

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