Monday, March 2, 2009


I love being struck by something someone else has written. How an author can take a pile of ordinary words, and arrange them into a provoking sentence in a way that I would not have thought to do.

Recently I finished reading The Little Giant of Aberdeen County, by first-time author Tiffany Baker. Below are some excerpts from her book that particularly stuck in my mind. It may not be very difficult to ascertain their meaning. I just liked how she said them.

Maybe you will, too.

"I was sixteen and just waking up to the peculiar rules of love--how what's left unsaid between two people can be a far more complicated language than what's written on the page." (p. 116)

"For Amelia, words were like vinegar or bleach. A tiny amount could clean up almost anything, but dump out more than that, and you could have one ungodly mess on your hands." (p 208)

"... it's easy to solve the past in the present, and when you do, you sometimes forget to leave room for forgiveness." (p 210)

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