Thursday, March 26, 2009

If I Were That Person

Another person might say things happen for a reason.

I think things just happen. Then we reason.

But if I were that person, I'd say I'm now thankful for the hip fracture in September. If it weren't for the fracture, I wouldn't have followed up with a doctor when I still felt discomfort in January. If it weren't for that follow-up visit, I wouldn't have had a second MRI. If it weren't for that MRI, I wouldn't have accidentally found out about the cyst growing inside me, and had a subsequent ultrasound and cancer screening. (It was benign, thank God.) If it weren't for the documented history of the cyst's presence for six months, we would have just "waited."

But instead, one thing led to another. The cyst -- and the organ it was growing on -- were removed on Tuesday. That cyst was the size of a lemon.

And I feel better already.

If I were THAT person, I'd feel certain it all happened for a reason, starting with the hip fracture last fall.

Am I that person?

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