Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Why Don't We?

Some of us find it difficult to share news of our struggles with others. I'm not talking about blabbing to all the world, but to share even with friends.

At least, I do. And I'm not alone. So why don't we?

I don't mind sharing news of my children's successes. And even some pleasures of my own. But when life gets difficult, I assume no one will want to be bothered by such news.

Yet, when I turn the situation around, I see the illogic in my way of thinking. For example, if a friend is going through a rough time, of course I want to know about it! Not just to be nosy -- I really don't think I'm that sort, and I'm not really a gossiper either -- but because I want to be there for my friend, and to help out in any way possible.

And my own friends are caring and helpful to me in that way, too. So why is it hard for me to tell them when I could use their care and help?

I guess some of us are just more introverted than others. We don't want to bother others. We think we can handle everything on our own.

Well, lately I have tried to acknowledge this side of myself and to open myself up to others. Our family has had a rough winter and early spring, starting with multiple rounds of flu & persistent colds (the regular winter maladies), but also including some traumatic and unusual events. Everyone, and every family, has periods like this at some point, and I try to help them out in any way I can.

So although it's difficult for me to share when times are rough, it's also gratifying to receive my friends' compassion and love and even help.

Why don't we do this more often? I'm not sure. But this week, I shared what was going on in my life with several friends, and I'm so glad I did. There's a reason they're my friends -- we're there for each other through the good times and the not-so-good times. And for that, I'm forever grateful.

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