Monday, March 30, 2009

They Pray

Though a bit chilly, the day was crisp, clear, and bright. The deep blue skies contrasted neatly with the white exhaust from airplanes high above.

As my daughters were playing outside, they noticed two such lines in the sky, perfectly criss-crossed -- like a "T" or an "X" or a cross.

Excited, they took it as a sign from heaven.

Specifically, from Grandpa Bill in heaven.

So they stopped their scootering and prayed to Grandpa Bill on the driveway. {Imagine two 10-year-olds, heads lifted upward, eyes closed, hands clasped together.}

This was their prayer:
"Dear Grandpa Bill,

We hope you like heaven. We hope you get to have all the candy you want. We hope you get to eat chocolate for breakfast. And chocolate for lunch. And chocolate for dinner. And that you don't have to eat your supper first.

Grandpa Bill has been gone one month already. But I guess that's not really right... he will always be with us, especially when we least expect him.

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