Saturday, December 5, 2009

First Love - Part 1

Excerpt from backseat conversation overheard between Twin A and Twin B, both age 10:

Twin B: "I have two boyfriends I'm going to marry. Evan and Benjamin."

Twin A: "Oooh! Do they like you?"

Twin B: "I think Benjamin likes me, but I don't know. But we both have very neat handwriting in common. I know Evan likes me because he smiled at me yesterday just before he got on the bus. So I know I'm going to marry him. FOR REAL!"

{giggle giggle}

The conversation was much longer, but the excerpt above was the highlight. I was fortunate to be in the right place at the right time to overhear it, as we three girls drove home from dinner the other night. Such a precious, unplanned moment.

So, she's had other crushes before - but this one is more serious. She looks for clues to his heart (one boy's more than the other, I think). She talks about them both often - and about Evan every day. She gets that unmistakable grin on her face and that sparkle in her eyes, the way the lovestruck do, when she talks about him.

She doesn't know it yet, but she'll move on to other crushes. These two will fade away or break her heart.

And so it begins...

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