Friday, December 11, 2009

Get a Room

After my breakdown in confidence the other night, combined with the stress of meeting a deadline (which I did - with 2 hours to spare - yay me!), it felt great to go to the gym today.

I was doing pull-ups when I first heard the sounds of childbirth labor.

Turns out the heavy breathing came from a late-twentyish-looking guy at the machine two down from me. No baby. I guessed he must be lifting
really heavy weights. (Now, I know everyone breathes heavier at the gym, including myself. But this was crazy loud and dramatic - not typical.)

Though I wanted to use his machine when he was finished, I didn't want to stalk him, so I skipped to my dumbbell exercises a little farther away.

The sighs floated across the gym about halfway into my second set. They sounded a little better than the heavy breathing, but also more... intimate. Being nosy, I looked around to find the sighs came from - you guessed it - The Heavy Breather.

Well, that's a little unusual, I thought. My curiosity satisfied, I finished my third set and moved to a machine even farther away from the guy.

The grunts were what did it for me. Alone, I know grunts are not unusual in a gym. And heavy breathing is typical in a gym. The sighing - well, that was a new one. But put them all together: it sounds like a porno.

By this time, I was sufficiently creeped out. And I felt like my presence there was an intrusion into a private moment of his.

Like next time, he should just get a room.

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