Sunday, November 15, 2009


Ever notice that the preparations for a vacation are so exhausting and time-consuming that they actually cause you to need that vacation, simply so you can get a break from planning for it?

By the time I finish:

... painting the kitchen (don't want to leave an unfinished project)
... washing, drying, folding, putting away all the laundry
... cleaning out the refrigerator
... tidying up the house
... packing for the going-awayers
... prepping for the staying-behinders
... creating a "cheat sheet" for those caring for the staying-behinders
... paying the bills
... tying up loose ends for work, school, and other obligations

I'll have bags under my eyes and will be stumbling my way to the airport terminal.

But don't worry: It's nothing that a cool drink, the hot sun, and lots of free time can't cure.

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