Friday, March 12, 2010

Perceptions and Expectations

My longest-held job is also my current one: stay-at-home mom. Yes, I've done this full-time for more than 12 years. On the side I've taken occasional and varied part-time or freelance jobs, but I'd hardly construe such employment a career. But now I'm ready for a new phase in my life, and I've decided to join the full-time work force. After such a long absence, I expect the process to take a little longer than it might for others, so I won't be disappointed if my transition takes up to a year.

I just really need something big and challenging to sink my teeth into.

Something different from what I did all those years ago, pre-children.

I have an idea for the direction in which I'd like to head. It's new for me, but I feel this pull in that direction. In fact, I've felt and suppressed that pull before in the past. This time, I'd like to follow it and see where it leads.

But I can't traverse it it blindly and alone.
So this week I met with a career coach. Although I had done some research so I could come prepared to the initial consultation, I wondered: would she think my aspirations were doable for me? I know I'm a woman with with a rather spotty resume, but I feel I have the intelligence and drive to do something new, and do it well. In her professional and detached view, would she agree with me, or would she find me to be a woman with unrealistic expectations and an irrelevant skillset?

We all have a perception of ourselves. Just as others have perceptions of us. Often they do not match up. When we find differences, we may try to change theirs or change ours.

But this time, I was relieved to find that the coach's perception of me largely matched my own. We were both easily able to see where my strengths and passions lie and where I'm going to need her nudges. Some tasks will be fun for me, and I'll fly through them easily. Others will seem like unappealing work. But I'll have to do it all.

I feel like I've taken the first right step toward a right direction for me. I'm energized, and not overwhelmed, by the additional preparation that lies ahead for me.

Which is good, because there's a lot of it ahead.

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