Thursday, April 29, 2010

As my daughters and I packed our bags this morning for an overnight girls' getaway/shopping trip that we're taking after school today, my son appeared to be nearly as excited as the girls.

"What do you think Dad and I are going to do today?" he asked.

"Well, even though we'll be gone, it's still a school night for you. I imagine you'll do homework and practice your piano and eat dinner, just like always."

"No, I mean what fun stuff?"

That's when it hit me that the little getaways that we take in various combinations (girls only, mother/son, guys only, parents only, etc) offer just as much reprieve for those staying home as for those going away. Let's be honest: we all like time apart from one another to give us experiences that are different from ordinary. Afterward, it's just as much fun to get back together again, share our stories, and appreciate our nuclear family.

Someday my daughters and son might process all this. But for today, his message was clear: "Don't let the door hit you on your way out!"

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