Saturday, November 8, 2008


I never thought I'd own a dog.

But evidently we made a promise to my son (when he was maybe 1 or 2?) that he could have a dog when he was 10. Neither my husband nor I remembered the specific moment we made that promise. But our son did. And a promise is a promise.

So last fall, just before he turned 10, we found Bentley, a 16-month-old bichon-frise.

Today is the one-year anniversary of our adopting him.

And now it's hard to imagine our world without him.

He is cute as can be, loves to snuggle, is serene nearly all the time, is active when the kids want to play with him, is smart (well, as smart as a dog can be), loves us all, and is loved by all. Although I never before imagined wanting or loving a dog, he's brought such joy to our lives, and I'm thankful for that. I'm so glad he's part of our family.

Happy Adoptionversary, Bentley!

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