Thursday, November 20, 2008


Seinfeld was a "show about nothing."

Today's blog entry is an entry about nothing.

We all have weeks that are busier than others. Commitments involving school, work, errands, parenting, traveling, appointments, and more are like beads strung together and tied around the neck. The tight spaces in between leave room for little else. This has been one such week for me.

Busy periods can be exhilarating or exhausting, or something in between, or both at once. Regardless, they provide fodder for reflection, even if they do not allow actual time for it. Postponed, but not obliterated, reflection comes later.

In the course of the past week, I've considered many events to which I'd like to give further thought. For now, a few scribbles jotted on scraps of paper will need to suffice. I've begun some drafts, though they remain incomplete for the moment. I even tried posting a new blog entry on Tuesday, but it was too raw, too unedited, too ... soapbox, so I removed it shortly afterward. When I have more than just a few moments to spare, I'll be able to synthesize my thoughts, feelings, and observations in a more pleasing form.

I hope that will be soon. For now, suffice it to say that I'm busy living life, participating in the game, observing the people and events around me, and learning all I can. For even in the mundane, the hectic, the everyday world of my life, there is some new insight to be gleaned always.

Soon this nothing will be something.

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