Friday, November 7, 2008

Bridge Reconstruction

"I'm trying not to get my hopes up." Statements like that are usually futile. Whether my hopes are up or down is largely independent of logic or intent.

But still, they're up.

We've started rebuilding that bridge I set fire to a year ago. And so far, we've been able to lay those foundation stones peacefully, without conflict.

Granted, that's just the base. It's essential to the structure, but useless if the bridge ultimately does not span the sides. We'll know in mid-December if the bridge components originating on each side meet in the middle.

With issues regarding the well being and the future of my children, sometimes my emotions overpower my logic. Fortunately, my husband provides the crucial link. With his help, I can see through the fog of emotion to the clarity ahead. And assembling a team of advocates helps tremendously, as well.

So together, our teams will continue to review the construction plans, research the best construction methods, revise and compromise when necessary, assemble the materials and skilled staff, and get to work. When we gather in December, I am hopeful we'll have found the keystone that holds our reconstructed bridge firmly in place for our daughter to cross.

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