Monday, April 19, 2010

1 Mile

Today is Day #8 off crutches. I'm progressing quite nicely through physical therapy. And looking forward to my final MRI next week, optimistic that it will show my femur has completely healed.

I've got muscle soreness from resuming exercise, but no pain. That is a very good sign.

My PT told me I can walk 1 mile, or do 15 minutes on the elliptical or bicycle. Not all three on the same day. Pretty piddly workout. Yet I've taken so many steps backward in the last 7-1/2 weeks that this one baby step forward feels like a giant leap to me.

The temperature is a cool 50 degrees but the sun has the sky to itself, making for a cheery  morning. And perfect walking conditions.

It hasn't escaped my attention that today, the day of my first 1-mile walk in a looooong time, 26,000 men and women are running the race of their lives: the Boston Marathon. "Run a marathon" (I would have been happy with any marathon) is still listed as #4 on my bucket list. Up until a couple of months ago, it was a goal that felt doable. Now? Not so much.

Sometimes it takes big challenges to appreciate the little successes. After 6 weeks of walking using my arms, and watching from the chair on my front porch the runners/walkers/bicyclists speedily go by, powered by their legs, I really am thrilled to be out on the streets with them again.

I might be slower than they, and I might not go as far. But I'm out there. Lovin' my baby steps.

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