Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Show Must Go On

When the fire alarm sounded, we commented on how proud we were of the children. They were calmly but steadily heading toward the doors of the building, as they'd been instructed in numerous drills.

Boy, that sound is starting to get annoying. When is it going to stop?

Hmmm. I wonder if we should join them? Do we know if it's "real" or just a prank?

Once we realized that, prank or not, we needed to evacuate the building, we shut down the concessions stand outside the high school theater, grabbed our coats, and headed outside.

Forty-five minutes -- and more fire trucks and firemen than we could count -- later, it turns out it wasn't a prank. But it also wasn't a fire. A water pipe had burst in the library. Probably due to the frigid weather we've had lately.

But, the show must go on!

The middle school's performance of High School Musical went on, albeit 30 minutes later than scheduled. Once we had clearance from the fire department, I returned to my post at the concessions stand and my son returned to his job as usher.

But who knew the musical would be a drama?

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