Thursday, January 1, 2009

Plus One

Happy New Year!

Today is the day when people flip the calendar to a new year and resolve to make changes in their lives.

Years ago, I actually stopped making New Year's resolutions. I tend not to keep them if they're made on or around January 1. Perhaps they're too contrived? Kind of like expressing love on Valentine's Day. Not that I don't appreciate receiving tokens of affection then, but really they're more meaningful when they occur spontaneously at various times of the year.

Similarly, goals I set at other odd times of the year, made with thought and a plan to carry them out, often are quite achievable.

Regardless, I thought today seemed appropriate for a review of my Top 10 list.

(By the way, I see the achievement of at least two goals on the horizon for 2009! Won't say which ones yet, but I'll be sure to post updates.)

In the meantime, I've thought of a Plus One item, bringing my Top 10 list officially to 11.

#11 - Wear a bikini -- in public! This isn't a "body" issue so much as a "mind" issue. It doesn't matter if you're a size 2 or a size 20, if you weigh 110 or 210 lbs, as long as you exude confidence. That's the real goal, of course.

Also, I'm making one revision:

#1 - Add Antarctica to the continents list... To have excluded it because it's not permanently inhabitable is silly. I think to visit it would be an amazing experience.

In the meantime, enjoy the new day, the new year!

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