Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Our Ice Castle

This morning, I awoke to the most beautiful sight! After yesterday's snow, we received icy rain during the night.

I looked out my bathroom window, and the world was swathed in a sleek, shiny glaze. The lights from the neighbors' houses cast long rays across our backyard, softly cutting into the darkness like a dream.

Making my way outside to get the morning paper, once again I stopped in awe. As I gazed down the driveway, it looked like someone had unrolled fondant and laid it before me like a carpet. The texture was so smooth and even that I hesitated to walk on it.

Nature waved her magic wand to slipcover the honey-colored teak furniture with a white crystalline overlay, embellished with ice-sickle ornaments.

Later, as the sun made its glorious and triumphant return, the ice that coated the tree branches glistened and sparkled in the light. The rows of Bradford Pears that line our driveway bowed to one another, forming a glistening ice canopy.

Yesterday, white fluff. Today, crystalline ice. This is the glory of winter!

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