Sunday, February 22, 2009


My son loves designing and constructing structures. Starting at a very young age, he would make a daily practice of building things out of Legos, Lincoln Logs, K'nex, anything.

But he was always heartbroken when the time came to tear them down and put the pieces away.

We reminded him that, by deconstructing his creations, he could be free to build even better ones the next time.

Isn't this true of so many things in life? Sometimes we need to completely deconstruct what exists, no matter how heartbreaking or strenuous the task is, in order to create an even better existence!

Today was Deconstruction Day! Granted, it was of a literal, physical sort -- not really the existential sort. But I like the metaphor.

After 10 years in our current house, and living with a large but inadequate-in-so-many-ways laundry room, we're finally creating it anew. Our contractor arrives tomorrow and will begin tearing up the floor, rewiring the electric, and more. In a couple of weeks, it will all be put back together again, but in a more functional and aesthetically pleasing way.

In preparation, I spent the morning removing the contents of the room (even those that have been hiding behind the washer and dryer for who-knows-how-long!). There's now an echo in the room when I speak.

Yes, I like Deconstruction Day. Now on to Reconstruction!

{Before: With typical clutter!}

{Deconstruction Day: Nearly empty!}

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