Monday, February 2, 2009


Someone recently made a tongue-in-check observation: If it's about the journey, not the destination, then why do we have maps?

I pondered this question as I went for a run.

I believe in the importance of the journey over the destination.
But I also believe in maps! Why?

It didn't take long to come up with an answer: Without the map, and a destination, the journey becomes just wandering. Or, worse yet, it becomes traveling in circles. {Hmmm... I seem to recall writing about going in circles recently.}

So, I won't give up my destinations. And I definitely will keep my maps. But, importantly, I'll keep in mind that (1) the destination may change, (2) there isn't one "right" way to get to the destination, and maps offer many alternatives, and (3) it's important to take time getting there. Keep my senses open to new experiences and embrace whatever hardships or joys I stumble upon along the way.

PS - Speaking of destinations and maps, today I mailed the application to climb Mt. Whitney this summer! (In case you're keeping track, it's #3 on my Top Ten.) If our application is accepted and we receive passes, there will be six of us on this journey next July. Now the long wait until April, when applicants are notified of acceptance...

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