Friday, February 20, 2009


Opportunities arise sometimes at inopportune times.

While driving my children to their dentist appointment, I suddenly felt a rush of thoughts, along with the specific words with which to express them!

My hands on the steering wheel, and no paper in sight (I'd switched purses and forgot to transfer the little notepad I usually keep with me), I was forced to commit the words to memory. Using repetition and mnemonic devices, I was able to remember the first three or four words, phrases, even whole sentences for some time. But then more arrived, and I was at great risk of losing it all.

The process of committing my mind's contents from short-term memory to long-term memory required all my concentration. Fortunately, the girls in the back seat were talking to each other, and not to me. If I'd been expected to speak, my thoughts would have evaporated in an instant.

As soon as I checked in the girls at the front desk, I asked for some blank paper. The receptionist was kind enough to offer a clipboard, as well, to help with my mind dump.

Grateful, I began furiously writing down all that I could remember. Some were blog ideas. Some were story ideas. Some were one-word triggers. Others were entire sentences. Or lines of rhyme (a rare occurrence for me, and one that brings great excitement when it occurs!).

When I finished, I sat back in my waiting-room chair, breathed a deep sigh of relief, and smiled.

Finally, unblocked.

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