Thursday, September 17, 2009


I'm addicted to my running log.

Well, it's more than just a running log. I keep track of all my workouts - running, tennis, strength training, etc - in the online log. Then I can view the data via a calendar display; a chronological list of workouts; a graph of types of runs; summary stats by the week, month, and year; and more. Many people who work out regularly, particularly if they're training for specific events, keep a log of some type. So this is not that unusual.

But I realized today that I actually have an addiction to it. As soon as I'm done with a workout, I feel a compulsive need to immediately go to the computer, log the details of the workout, and then view the historical data. And when I view them in "calendar" mode, I must see an entry for at least 6 days each week. (I do allow myself an "off" day the day before a long run.) Or else I just feel... blah.

Guess I'm just a geek at heart. I like to make lists of things I'm going to do, and I like to keep an archived record of what I've done. And then I like to analyze the data, looking for trends, progress, challenges... Yeah, that's pretty geeky. {But then, those of you who know me well are not exactly shocked by this revelation, are you?}

Yesterday, I cancelled my appointment with my trainer and skipped a short run because I was feeling melancholy. And I was completely OK with that, given the circumstances.

But then I woke up today and felt restless. I had to get outside to run. And I had to see that run recorded on my log.

As addictions go, this one's not really so bad, is it?

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