Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Fish Out of Water

Why exactly did I get the bright idea to go back to school?

I have 2 degrees already. That should be enough. I have a husband, three children, a house, and a dog. They keep me busy enough. But no... I wanted more.

Today was my first day at U.C., and boy did I feel like a fish out of water! I definitely look too old to be a traditional student - yes, I was called "ma'am" at the bookstore by the young cashier - yet I guess I don't look like a teacher, either. Probably most of the young 'uns just thought I was lost.

Which I was. For 40 minutes.

You see, up until now I didn't have a reason to visit the U.C. campus. So the names of the buildings, the parking garages, the side streets - even some of the major ones - are completely foreign to me. I don't have a mental image of the layout, and nothing seems familiar. I guess I fit in with the freshmen more than I thought. Except they probably at least know where the bars are...

And although, under any other circumstances, I would not be ashamed to pull out my handy-dandy map, I was mortified to do so today. I felt totally like a guy in this regard. Sorry for the sexism there. Not that I'm not going to retract it.

So I decided to just head in the direction of my building, feeling sure that signs would lead me to the right building. In my optimism, I figured I had enough time to buy my books (in yet another building of unknown locale) and get to class on time. I had 45 minutes.

44 minutes later, huffing & puffing, I barely made it into my classroom before class started. Without my books. It seems I took the loooooong way around campus. Yep, that's where my hubris and stubbornness got me. If only I'd looked at that map...

Once inside the classroom, I looked around and received visual confirmation that, yes, I was the oldest student in the room. I suspected I was older than the professor, too. Came to find out later we're the same age... so we tied for being oldest in the room. But I still hold the record for oldest student.

In actuality, I enjoyed being in class with all those "kids." They have such optimism and creativity and eagerness to show what they can do. They seem like a great bunch of young people.

Then the professor went over the syllabus. Which, evidently, was e-mailed out last week, complete with a description of our first assignment. That was due today. That I didn't know about because I didn't get the e-mail message and it never occurred to me that I should get an e-mail from the teacher before the first day of class. This student was not off to a very impressive start.

Not to fear: I wasn't the only student in this dilemma. There were three other students trying to get into the class. Since they weren't on the roster yet, they hadn't received the e-mail either. We winged it.

But this is serious stuff! I've been away from college for so long that I've forgotten how complex and time-consuming the assignments can be. Will be. For me. In fact, what am I doing writing this blog entry? I have no time for this! I should be writing my first draft of my first assignment already!

Despite my slight trepidation, I'm so excited to be back in the classroom. The new ideas, the discipline, the deadlines, even the hard work are just what I need right now.

But I'm sooooo glad I registered on the late side and got closed out of two other courses I wanted to take. I think, for my first dive into these waters, one course will be plenty.
PS - After class, I evidently took the direct way back to the parking garage. 7 minutes was all it took.


Joe said...

LOL, that's great! You'll be just fine. Very exciting :-)

I was the oldest in my EMT course, including the instructor. It occurred to everyone (awkwardly) when a fellow student said their 17 year old daughter wanted to know if I had a girlfriend. After a quick 'not available' and 'she's too young anyway', they realized I was older than both of her parents...

Kim said...

That is so hilarious!

Reminds me of Kelly's response last night when I said people probably don't know what to think of me because I'm too old to be a traditional student, yet I don't have that "professor" look either.

He said they probably just think I'm a cougar - scoping out the place ;)