Saturday, September 26, 2009

I'm Pondering

... this question: Am I a procrastinator or do I perhaps have undiagnosed ADD?

And the thing is, I wouldn't even be pondering this question except for the fact that I have a deadline of a first draft of a story/novella/book chapter due by midnight Sunday, and I just can't seem to actually write it.

Well, it's not like I haven't done anything. I've worked and reworked the story outline in my mind. Discussed it with my husband for feedback and tweaking. Written an incomplete synopsis of the plot, characters, action, etc.

But the actual story that's due? Nope - can't seem to get that on paper.

Instead of writing today, first I helped man a water stop for a local run/bike race. Then drove my son to appointments. Then did laundry. Ate lunch. Read the paper. Wrote this blog entry...

Which led to pondering the question above: Am I procrastinating? Or do I have some undiagnosed attention disorder that is causing me to be unable to sit and do the work?


I should take some advice from High School Musical's Troy when he sings: "Get your head in the game!" He is so wise. And cute.

Oooh, maybe I should YouTube that song.

Aaack! It really doesn't matter whether I'm procrastinating or exhibiting signs of ADD. The fact is, I'm a college student again and I have a paper to write. I HAVE to write it.

OK, giving myself a kick in the pants now. Logging off now. Getting to work now. No more fun for me now. So long!

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