Friday, February 13, 2009

No Apology

It's been weighing on my mind that I haven't posted a new blog entry in more than a week. That's the longest I've gone. I usually try to do about 3 a week.

It just wasn't a priority this week.

And I couldn't come up with anything interesting anyway. Writer's block, anyone? (Well, I did start two drafts. But they didn't come together "right." So I scrapped 'em.)

With my obligations over for the week (it is 5:00 on a Friday, and while that's nowhere near quitting time for a mom, it kinds of feels like it today...), I thought I'd go online to see what I've missed from a few of the other blogs I read.

Turns out their authors haven't posted in nearly a week either.

Guess it just wasn't in the cards for some of us.

Initially, I was going to write an "apology" post. (It's in my nature to apologize when I don't live up to my own expectations.)

But sometimes that's silly. I was just busy! And preoccupied.

Now that the week is over, and the weekend gives a fresh start, you can expect a little more...

See ya soon!

1 comment:

Joe said...

Writing comes to you, you can't go to it. But keep up your blog, I like reading what real writers can do, and yours is fantastic.