Thursday, October 8, 2009


At 6:15 this morning, I was making preparations for my busy day ahead: appointments, errands, other tasks.

At 7:00 this morning, I started to cancel appointments, postpone errands, rearrange my task list.

The abrupt change occurred the minute my daughter woke up suffering from the flu symptoms that were causing her to ache and hurt.

Likely she will be home from school tomorrow as well. Then, like a chain of dominoes, we'll see who is the next among us to fall.

Sometimes, my second thought after I discover a sick child is, "Now how am I going to get everything done?" But my third thought is, "Nothing on my schedule is so critical that it couldn't be postponed to another day."

So, here I am with an empty schedule and a book, sitting beside my daughter as the battle of the germs vs white blood cells wages on within her body. As we cuddle, I try to give her whatever comfort she needs to fight her battle.

All the rest can wait.

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