Monday, October 5, 2009


You know that exercise in which your partner stands behind you, and then you fall backward, hoping to land in your partner's arms and not flat on the floor? Whether or not you thrust your hands out to break your fall at the last minute reveals your level of trust in your partner.

Here's another true test of trust: Try walking ahead of a child pushing a grocery cart behind you. You'll be uneasy the entire time, knowing that at any minute the backs of your ankles could become bruised and bloodied. Yet, to continually glance behind to check the cart-to-ankle distance is interpreted as an insult to the child.

So you suck it up and pray that, this time, your ankles will be spared.

** CRASH **

No, that wasn't my ankle. Just the cart of another shopper as it collided with my child's. Loud and jolting, but no actual ankles were hurt in the collision.

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