Friday, October 30, 2009

Act Your Age

For one week, I did not act my age.

I stayed up too late watching TV, and got up too early to do the tasks I should have done the day before. Yes, I completed my essential responsibilities, but not by using my time efficiently...

I ate whatever was quick and easy - regardless of nutritional value - sending my blood sugar levels soaring high too quickly, then plunging way down low just as fast. I had coffee for lunch and popcorn for dinner...

I wore a naughty costume to the Halloween party (don't worry - children weren't present). Although I thoroughly enjoyed going "against type" and having fun with an alter ego, I then had to face those pictures on Facebook the next day...

I woke up often throughout the night, wishing I'd stuck to predictable-ole beer at that party, not mixed drinks. I still can't drink cranberry juice without evoking some scattered, less-than-flattering memories of that night...

I didn't drink enough water throughout the week, which left me feeling dehydrated by the end of it...

After my week of time travel to an age long lost, I walked through campus on my way to class. The irony did not escape me. Surrounded by young adults in their late teens and early twenties, I thought how they're the ones we presume are not eating or sleeping properly, succumbing to vices, doing as they please when they please, not considering consequences. This is their time to answer only to themselves, without grave responsibilities They have the time and the freedom to make right or wrong choices, and to learn from them.

I, on the other hand, have already learned from my choices. Frankly, I should know better.

Yet sometimes (rarely) I forget my age. I ignore those lessons I've learned. I make dumb choices.

Thankfully, however, I suffer more readily from my poor choices, rather quickly snapping me back to my proper place in time before I get too far along.

I had some fun acting someone else's age, but mainly I felt frantic and exhausted. I have gladly returned to myself, and willingly promise to act my age!

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