Thursday, October 22, 2009

Geek Pride

{Putting my geek hat on as I write this...}

When I walked in the door yesterday, my daughters handed me a sheet of paper with the following title:

Twins' Christmas List

I thought it was great that they had typed it. And that they had kept it short - just 4 items each. And that they had considered cost, with the prices of their items ranging from $7 to $58. Nothing outrageous.

But what really got me filled to bursting was the correct placement of the apostrophe in the plural possessive in the title!

Do you know how many adults don't punctuate the plural possessive correctly? Lots. But my fourth-graders did. (These particular fourth-graders might not have all their multiplication facts down, but darn it, they know how to punctuate.)

Yep, that's mama's geek pride showing.

{Taking the hat off now...}

1 comment:

Joe said...

Thats' great! :-)